Lion King currently playing on tour in Baltimore, MD (till March 02) and moves to Fort Lauderdale, FL (from March 06)

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Lion King Tickets

PostHeaderIcon Peace Center SC Added More Tickets for Lion King Run June 12 to July 8

According to Peace Center President Megan Riegel, Reconfiguration of Peace Center SC concert hall makes room for more seats. To accommodate the animal parade in Disney’s blockbuster musical “The Lion King,” seats will have to be removed from the Peace Center’s Concert Hall.

Lion King Peace Center SC

Lion King Peace Center SC

With an overwhelming demand for tickets – the Peace Center reviewed the seating map with the show’s production team and were able to identify other areas where seats could be placed. The result is that 1,600 additional tickets will be available for the Lion King Musical show’s four-week run at Peace Center from June 12 through July 8.

“In an effort to accommodate the community’s tremendous enthusiasm for The Lion King, structural modifications are being implemented to the Peace Center so that additional seat locations can be created,” Peace Center President Megan Riegel said. The Peace Center expects “The Lion King” to be its biggest Broadway show ever.

Blockbuster multi-week Broadway shows fill hotel rooms and pack restaurants with out-of-town and out-of-state guests paying accommodations and local sales taxes that support other festivals and arts events.

“Wicked,” the last multi-week blockbuster Broadway show to come to the Peace Center, is a good example. “Wicked” had a 24-performance run in Greenville and more than 98 percent of the 48,864 available tickets were sold, generating more than $4 million in ticket sales alone.

Read the complete news {Via}

Lion King Greenville SC Tickets sales is in full swing. Although ticket sales have been brisk, there are still good seats left. Lion King at Peace Center SC will perform through July 8, 2012. Book your Lion King Greenville SC tickets in advance, Use Code #SpringSavings at Checkout to Get $10 OFF on Orders of $350 or more!


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