Lion King currently playing on tour in Syracuse, NY (till Dec. 15) and moves to Buffalo, NY (from Dec. 18)

Buy Tickets to see The Lion King!
Lion King Ticket Deals
December 2024
Lion King Deals!
Lion King Tickets

PostHeaderIcon Hurry up for Lion King Tickets at Capitol Theatre

If you were dreaming about “Lion King” seats but were too scared to brave the rush for tickets that always come just after they go on sale, Book your Lion King Tickets Today and Receive 15% Off Orders Over $200! Code BWAYSAVE15 through 6.15.10 .

Tickets are still on sale for the touring Broadway production of “The Lion King” that will be coming to Salt Lake’s Capitol Theatre August 11 through September 26. The cheapest tickets hover around the $74.00 range (not including fees) and are easier to get the later you’re willing to go in the run. The more expensive seats will run you about $135.00.

Of course, it’s also quite reasonable to wonder why all of the seats didn’t get sold out. Part of it is the show’s immensely long run, which they probably did pre-emptively due to the success of “Wicked” early last year. Several said that it compared poorly to previous productions of “The Lion King,” including some the reviewers had seen on tour, as well as specific mentions of the poor singing.

Seats still available for Lion King at Capitol Theatre.


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