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Posts Tagged ‘Nia Holloway’

PostHeaderIcon The Lion King National Tour Cast – Nia Holloway as Nala

Nia Holloway is a part of the 2013-2014 touring cast of the hit musical The Lion King. She Amazes on Broadway Stage of the The Lion King musical. Nia is starring as the youngest actress ever to play “Nala” in the Broadway production of The Lion King.

Nia Holloway as Nala in The Lion King Tour

Nia Holloway as Nala in The Lion King Tour

Nia, A member of Norcross High’s 2013 state basketball champs.

Nia is performing currently with her troupe in Pittsburgh through September 29, 2013. From here the touring company moves to Dallas in October (October 02 to October 20, 2013).

Her rigorous touring schedule is keeping her from physically attending Norcross High, but her mother, Celeste, said that Nia is pushing forward at Gwinnett Online Campus with the help of tutor. Angie Hembree, Norcross High head girls’ basketball coach, said Nia is missed on the team. In 2013, the talented small forward helped lead the team to its state championship.

“We consider Nia a part of our team, and we are so proud of this tremendous opportunity she has and that her dreams are being realized,” Hembree said in an email to Norcross Patch.

Despite missing her school friends while touring for “The Lion King,” Hembree said that Nia will still walk with her 2014 graduating class in May.

“The show has been an amazing opportunity and experience for her,” added her mother, Celeste. “But, music is of course her first love.

“She continues to write and record music while on the road and anticipates releasing her debut album within the next year.”

For more updates, browse through Nia’s website.

Final few performances left for Lion King at Benedum Center through September 29, 2013. Click here to check Lion King Dallas TX Tickets (Tour Dates October 02 to October 20, 2013) availability and Buy before they go on sale completely.

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