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Posts Tagged ‘Lion King Sheas Performing Arts Center Tickets’

PostHeaderIcon Lion King Cast and Crew Members Give Back to the Community – Video

The cast and crew members from Disney’s “The Lion King” spent part of their day off giving back to the community in Buffalo NY.

They prepared a meal Monday night at the Ronald McDonald House in Buffalo for families staying there while their children receive treatment at local hospitals.

Watch The Video – {Via}

“The Lion King” cast and crew give back:

Cast member John Sloan said, “It really is invigorating for us. It’s empowering for our show. And I think it makes you a better artist, to be quite honest. Because it forces you to look outside yourself, it forces you to see the impact that you can have, that your work your art can have on somebody else.”

Lion King continues its run at Sheas Performing Arts Center through October 30th. Cast members will perform in a benefit for the Ronald McDonald House October 24th at the Alleyway Theatre.

Buy Lion King Buffalo NY Tickets Online, Use Code AFF$10 to Get $10 OFF on Lion King Sheas Performing Arts Center Ticket Orders over $350!


PostHeaderIcon Lion King Roars Back to Sheas Performing Arts Center – Review

The Lion King returned to Buffalo, NY for a four-week run and playing at Sheas Performing Arts Center through October 30, 2011

The Lion King goes that all one better. Like a gift from some ancient storyteller, we listen and watch and wonder in unison as the spectacle unfolds. It is as if we are sitting around a great campfire, we are mesmerized by the motion and shadows. The production, originally, designed and directed by the great Julie Taymore, reaches deep within our psyche and touches our most primal instincts.

From the time the first cleverly designed animals creep or stalk on stage … or down the aisle … there’s a lot to take in from “The Lion King” musical. That set the tone for the evening during a recent performance of “The Lion King,” which is running at Shea’s Performing Arts Center in Buffalo through October 30, 2011.

Even without the music and story, the stylized costumes are amazing. The first time you see the cheetah stalk onto the stage, its feline body echoed by the human one controlling it, there’s a moment of double-take. Same with the actors serving as bases for leaping antelopes, or soaring birds.

Eventually, you find yourself increasingly able to simply look over the human heads above or below the animal ones … or finding that the doubled imagery actually lends an interesting depth to the performance.

Early in the proceedings, Rafiki the mandrill (baboon) – magician conjures an image of the lion cub, Simba, which is projected from within the depths of the massive trunk of the Tree of Life. It is a simple, elegant line drawing. It struck a memory for me. Acclaimed German director Werner Herzog recently released a documentary film, The Cave of Forgotten Dreams, which tells the story of the world’s oldest cave drawings, recently discovered in France. Explorers found hundreds of prehistoric paintings and engravings on the walls of the Chauvet Cave. Carbon dating shows that the depictions of rhinoceroses, lions, cave bears, horses, bison, and mammoths are 32,000 years old.

Read the complete review {Via Buffalo Rising}

Lion King will perform at Sheas Performing Arts Center through October 30, 2011. Lion King Buffalo NY tickets are selling Quick. Buy Lion King Sheas Performing Arts Center Tickets Online, Use Code AFF$10 to Get $10 OFF on Lion King Buffalo NY Ticket Orders over $350!


PostHeaderIcon Lion King Opens Tuesday at Shea’s Performing Arts Center

The Lion King will run for four weeks, through Oct. 30, with an official opening night of Oct. 6 (The oct. 4 and 5 shows are considered previews.). Hit Broadway musical opens 2011-12 Broadway season for Buffalo theater Disney’s “The Lion King” opens Tuesday at Shea’s Performing Arts Center, 646 Main St.

When “The Lion King” first stopped at Buffalo, NY in 2005 for a six-week run in 2005 it sold-out each show.

Lion King Sheas Performing Arts Center Performances Schedule:
Tuesdays through Thursdays – 7:30 p.m.
Fridays and Saturdays – 8 p.m.
Saturdays – 2 p.m.
Sundays – 1 and 6:30 p.m.
A Special Matinee Oct. 27 – 1 p.m.
No 6:30 p.m. show on Oct. 30

Lion King will perform in Buffalo NY till October 30, 2011 before it moves to Denver CO for performances starting from November 02, 2011.

Lion King Sheas Performing Arts Center tickets are selling Quick. Buy Lion King Buffalo NY Tickets Online, Here is a discount code as well for you: Use Code TNFALLSAVE5 to Get 5% OFF on Orders over $75!


PostHeaderIcon The Lion King Sheas Performing Arts Center Tour Dates

The Lion King will be visiting Buffalo, NY in October 2011 for a four-week run. Disney’s popular show “The Lion King” will be starting performances at Shea’s Performing Arts Center from October 04 through October 30, 2011.

Lion King, The family friendly show still holds the record for Shea’s biggest box office success from its six-week stop at the theater in 2005. With a score by Elton John, lyrics by Tim Rice and innovative puppet and mask design by director Julie Taymor, the stage version of Disney’s 1995 animated film ranks as one of the most lucrative and longest-running shows in Broadway history.

The theater announced the return of “The Lion King,” along with the rest of the lineup for its upcoming season, at an event in the theater Tuesday night.

You may not be wishing to miss out the show in Buffalo, New York. But The Lion King Sheas Performing Arts Center Tickets sale is in full swing, hurry up, Buy before they all go on sale. Here is a discount code as well for you: Use Code AFF$10 to Get $10 OFF on Orders over $350!

Lion King Tickets
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