Lion King currently playing on tour in Baltimore, MD (till March 02) and moves to Fort Lauderdale, FL (from March 06)

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Posts Tagged ‘Lion King Hippodrome Theatre Tickets’

PostHeaderIcon The Lion King Box Office Record at Hippodrome Performing Arts Center

The Lion King grossed $1.5 million at the Hippodrome Theatre. The one-week haul was the most for a Broadway production at the Hippodrome, officials said in a press release. So far, “The Lion King” has grossed $5.3 million with a week remaining in its engagement in Baltimore. The show runs through January 8, 2012.

The show is estimated to generate a $21 million economic impact in the city, through travel, hotel, restaurant and parking spending by audience members and production staff. That is based on a rule of thumb established by the Touring Broadway League that shows’ economic impact is 3.5 times gross ticket sales.

Success of Broadway shows and other touring productions are key in the Hippodrome’s business model. The theater had faced challenges attracting shows because a shortcut in the $63 million renovation of the theater led to massive utility bills that made it too expensive a stop for many productions.

Lion King play at Hippodrome Performing Arts Center through January 08, 2012. Buy Lion King Baltimore MD Tickets Online, Use Code AFF$10 to Get $10 OFF on Orders over $350!


PostHeaderIcon The Lion King at the Hippodrome – Performance Schedule, Tickets Info

Lion King is currently performing at the Hippodrome Theatre and run through January 08, 2012. The Tony Award-winning and visually captivating musical features music from Elton John and Tim Rice.

Hippodrome Theatre at the France-Merrick Performing Arts Center
12 N. Eutaw St. , Baltimore , MD , 21201

Lion King Hippodrome Performing Arts Center Schedule:
Tuesdays to Fridays – 7:30 PM
Saturdays – 2:00 PM and 7:30 PM
Sundays – 1:00 PM and 6:30 PM
Special Matinee on Friday, Dec 23 – 2:00 PM
Special Matinee on Tuesday, Dec 27 – 2:00 PM
No performances on Sunday December 25.

Buy Lion King Baltimore MD Tickets Online. Use Code AFF$10 to Get $10 OFF on Lion King Hippodrome Performing Arts Center Tickets Orders over $350!

Lion King Tickets
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