Lion King currently playing on tour in Baltimore, MD (till March 02) and moves to Fort Lauderdale, FL (from March 06)

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August 2010
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Archive for August 7th, 2010

PostHeaderIcon ‘Lion King’ set up for Capitol Theater Utah

When The Lion King Broadway crosses the country, it is not an easy feat – especially when it requires recreating Africa in a new city every few weeks.

The following Pictures how hard the Crews working to set up for the Lion King at the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City, Utah, Friday, Aug. 6, 2010. The production will be in Salt Lake City for 7 weeks starting from August 11 through September 26, 2010.

Head carpenter Michael Carey works on setting up for the Lion King at the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City

Head carpenter Michael Carey works on setting up for the Lion King at the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City

Meg Sump works on audio during set up for the Lion King at the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City

Meg Sump works on audio during set up for the Lion King at the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City

Crews set up for the Lion King at the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City, Utah

Crews set up for the Lion King at the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City, Utah

Disney’s “The Lion King,” one of Broadway’s award-winning musicals, is set to open at the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City next week. But before then, about 100 workers will spend more than 75 hours setting up the landscape.

“The show runs very nicely, and we’ve got a great crew,” said Michael Carey, head carpenter for “The Lion King’s” national tour.

“The Lion King” has a very successful history. The original movie premiered in 1994. The musical opened on Broadway in 1997 and earned six Tony Awards. The touring company has entered its second decade of sold-out shows.

Since 2002, Carey’s life has been full of lions, hyenas and music.

He has to essentially juggle and coordinate for two productions at the same time. While he is in Utah setting up shop, the rest of his crew is in Vancouver for the show’s final week there. The set he’s working on now will be sent to Norfolk, Va., after its run here. The set in Vancouver will travel to Chicago.

“Usually by the time we’re in the act of putting the show on here, I’m already working on the next city,” Carey said. “They see me pulling my hair out and looking a little stressed, but I’m not stressed for here. I’m stressed about the next city.”

Despite everything, he’s still smiling — his vacation is next week.

“The Lion King” runs Wednesday through Sept. 26 in the Capitol Theatre, 50 W. 200 South. Save $10 on Lion King Broadway Ticket Orders Over $350! Code AFF$10

{Via Deseret News}

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